Neue Heimat- Contemporary Art in Berlin

InternaIonale Kunst im Neuen Berlin, Berlinische Galerie, Berlin, 2007 (Catalogue)

Works included in the exhibition: Familie Ende

END FAMILY is the inscription on a grave that Christina Dimitriadis photographed in a Berlin cemetery. The title of this extensive series of small-format canvases – collages, all with a reduced palette, ironed onto them using t-shirt transfer film – is already a playful indication of its thematic range: at first glance, it is only a bizarre coincidence. One almost has to force oneself not to add the word “of” that is apparently missing between “End” and “Family”, until one realises it is only a matter of the family’s name. The artist plays with precisely this subtle ambivalence between the tragedy of private destiny on the one hand and the lapidary nature of everyday found objects and their aesthetics on the other. The individual motif develops into a poetic cipher of a very personal life; a self-reference on the basis of the real object. Things and situations are independent of the places where they can be found or take place. They question the unfamiliar and simultaneously unmask the constant search for a reliable home.

Anne Haun